Friday, August 2, 2013

SUSAN: BOOK REVIEW "Blessed Isle" by Alex Beecroft

For Captain Harry Thompson, the command of the prison transport ship HMS Banshee is his opportunity to prove his worth, working-class origins be damned. But his criminal attraction to his upper-crust First Lieutenant, Garnet Littleton, threatens to overturn all he’s ever worked for.

Lust quickly proves to be the least of his problems, however. The deadly combination of typhus, rioting convicts, and a monstrous storm destroys his prospects . . . and shipwrecks him and Garnet on their own private island. After months of solitary paradise, the journey back to civilization—surviving mutineers, exposure, and desertion—is the ultimate test of their feelings for each other. 

These two very different men each record their story for an unfathomable future in which the tale of their love—a love punishable by death in their own time—can finally be told. Today, dear reader, it is at last safe for you to hear it all.


THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It was GLORIOUS and I LOVED it!

"Thanks, but I don't read historicals"
"Thanks, but not interested in a book that doesn't have onpage sex"
"Thanks, but I prefer a book I can actually understand the dialogue"

Apparently I don't know myself very well. 

Because despite every excuse I could have made, I read this on the recommendation of an adored friend and I was swept away. I felt like I was just floating and in complete bliss the entire time. 

Alex Beecroft wrote a short book that made me feel lost in poetry and prose and in the dearest and deepest love story. Using a journal format where the MC's write alternating chapters of their tale, I was immersed in their journey to each other. It doesn't dive deep, and some of the details are glossed over, but in the end you get everything you need (though I'm left wanting so much more) to understand how Harry & Garnet LOVED. 

I honestly ended hugging my kindle and utter joy. 

Painfully lovely...MORE PLEASE! I plan to read this over and over again...

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